new sem was start and a new busy of study life had cum to say 'hello' to me already =.=
dis sem we din involved in orientation week but we involved in sesi 'kenali IPDA'..
wow~ great to see that this coming intake was a big amount (18 classes all together), 16 classes of PPISMP and 2 classes of KPLI..
And important is the number between girl and guy almost equal ^^
yesterday aftnoon, we went to school for the sesi 'kenali IPDA' and 2 ppl in one group to take the one classes cuming and yun hea take the class KPLI PSV..there are 5 indian guy and the rest was chinese + malay + indian girls..most of them were from Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak =]
the funny things is those indian guy very 'cute' because always ask me the deep deep question like did u have bf? how old are you? and so on =.=
but luckily they are so friendly and good and me n Yun Hea can handle the sesi successfully, thanks to them - teacher XD
one more interesting part is where there are one indian guy ask my hp no in case have any question, he can ask me..but the moment when he ask for my hp no, my lecturer terdengar and he straight smile and say 'wah, so fast got people ask ur hp no ah.' *.*
besides, when i am explaining to them the first station to going, the way i am talking always like to action..
thn suddenly one of the indian guy said :'jangan menari.' alamak..haha..i promise myself will try to change the way i am talking coz i dun1 nextime my student said so to me again =p
before end the sesi, the KPLI PSV student all say thanks and puji that i'm a good facilitator =] yeah~ happy to hear that..thanks for ur co-operation too~
[ all facilitator who are involved in sesi 'kenali IPDA' - some missing jor ]
haiz..going to school for the event of world record big card program =D
our maktab join the event of world record to create a super big teacher's day card and on that day, will have TV3, NTV7, Berita Hairan and so on cum to IPDA for the ulang tahun IPDA ke-20 and also Teacher's Day celebration >.<
so, i have to stop here and prepare to go school XD
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